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Trees may seem harmless on a calm, sunny day. But add a bit of wind or an icy winter storm that we all know North Dakota is capable of, and those towering pillars may threaten your home’s electric supply. Electricity interruptions can occur when branches break and fall across power lines, or when trees tumble onto the power lines. When strong North Dakota winds rumble through the valley, limbs growing too close to the power lines may swing and touch wires, causing annoying “blinks” in your power.

To avoid future outages and keep members safe, Cass County Electric focuses on clearing tree growth near power lines. We are committed to providing safe, reliable, and affordable power, and a tree trimming program is key to fulfilling that promise.

Drones aid us in the fight to keep trees out of the power lines. Crews look for foliage growing under lines, overhanging branches and leaning or other types of dangerous trees that could pull down a power line.

We advise members to consider where they plant new trees. While a sapling may seem fine where it’s planted, members should consider what the tree will look like at maturity. If trees in your area are growing into power lines, please call Cass County Electric at 701-356-4400.

Plan, Then Plant:

Trees can filter the sunlight to help cool your home and break cold winds to lower your heating costs. But before you plant that tree, look up. Is there a power line overhead or nearby? If so, you may need to change your landscaping plans.

Always consider the mature height of the trees and shrubs you plant. Ask professionals how tall your sapling will be when it’s mature. If it is expected to reach within 25 feet of a power line, plant it somewhere else. Also find out how sprawling the tree’s branches will be at maturity. A tree planted 25 feet away from a power line could still interfere with the wires.